Monday, May 31, 2010

Menu for the week of 30 May 2010

Wow. It's been a while since I've posted my menu.
This week I'm expecting to do a lot of salads, as side dishes for BBQ meals, as lunches and possibly even as breakfasts! Welcome to summer.

Saturday 29

Roast chicken with hummus, fresh bread, & Salad
Sunday 30

BBQ Steak, baked potato/sweet potato, mixed green salad with spicy carrot and turnip salad
Monday 31

Lunch: Colorful black bean and crab salad.
Quesadillas with argulara and blue cheese salad.
Tuesday 1

Chopped Greek salad with chicken and feta
Wednesday 2

Grilled Salmon with lime butter and a mixed green salad
Thursday 3

BBQ Hamburgers & Salad Plate
Friday 4

Leftover buffet
Saturday 5

Shopping/Sale day


  1. With a name like "Edible Prose" how could I not click on your link? Your menu sounds like just the kind of food we like to eat here. I may borrow some ideas for next week!

  2. Hi Tifani. Thanks for commenting. Let me know which recipes you try - and most importantly - what works and what doesn't. :)

